Random stuff about living on my own

Lazy cooking diary

4 Nov 2024

Today I made a stew with potatoes, beans, and chicken.


I got two trays of these potatoes for four euros. Half of it is very enough for one meal. They are supposed to go in the oven but whatever, also fine for going into a pot.

potat en bean bean bag

Potatoes and water into pot. I also added beans.

When I was taking the picture of the bag of beans, my hand tilted and some beans fell out. As I haven't mopped my floor in a while and it's now dusty and stuff, I threw the beans away. I really don't want to eat dust and hair.

chicken with spice bottle

While that was cooking, I covered the chicken I had with some spices. They actually are seasoning made for cooking chicken. But of course you can use them for other things as well.


Potatoes got mushy. In hindsight I should've added the beans not so soon. But no worries as I like soft veggies anyways. Overcooked yes but still edible yo. I also didn't add enough water at first. Oh well. Anyways so I added the chicken in along with more water and more spices. The seasoning is already salty so it also gave flavour to the potatoes.

all in pot

Chicken gets cooked really quickly in hot water. (Super annoying to cook chicken on a pan imo... so hard to cook it thoroughly. Probably I just have a skill issue.) So I got everything in the pot and with enough water and I put the lid on. Stirred occasionally. And then wasn't patient enough so went and play some minesweeper. And then as a result some things got stuck and caked at the bottom. Dang. Not a lot, fortunately.


Well here is the finished pot. Stew. Thing. Ate it while putting on an Atomic Shrimp video.